Vasilis Inglezis
  • 0
  • 0

Poll Results

8.69%He will get no reflections with CLs ( 61 voters )
72.22%He should buy -8.00D CLs as well ( 507 voters )
12.11%He will have a wider field of view ( 85 voters )
6.98%He will have a more natural vision ( 49 voters )
Based On 702 Votes

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SK Samy
  • 6
  • 6

Poll Results

9.81%Flat fit @ 90 meridian ( 42 voters )
47.43%Steep fit @ 180 meridian ( 203 voters )
15.19%Steep fit @ 90 meridian ( 65 voters )
27.57%Flat fit @ 180 meridian ( 118 voters )
Based On 428 Votes

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Vasilis Inglezis
  • 1
  • 1

Poll Results

10.41%We don't meet ptosis ( 71 voters )
13.93%We don't meet diplopia ( 95 voters )
55.43%We don't meet miosis ( 378 voters )
20.23%We don't meet an outwards deviation of the eye ( 138 voters )
Based On 682 Votes

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Vasilis Inglezis
  • 1
  • 1

Poll Results

6.53%Corneal infiltrates ( 55 voters )
1.43%Allergies ( 12 voters )
17.46%Corneal ulcer ( 147 voters )
74.58%All of the above ( 628 voters )
Based On 842 Votes

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Suggested question: An adult has -8.00D on his spectacles and wants to wear contact lenses for the first time. ...Read more

SK Samy
  • 0
  • 0

Poll Results

22.86%Flat fit @ 90 meridian ( 8 voters )
48.57%Steep fit @ 180 meridian ( 17 voters )
20%Flat fit @ 180 meridian ( 7 voters )
8.57%Steep fit @ 90 meridian ( 3 voters )
Based On 35 Votes

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Vasilis Inglezis
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  • 0

Poll Results

19.08%Poor DK and DK/L ( 54 voters )
19.79%Predisposed to producing GPC ( 56 voters )
40.64%More hydrophobic than other lenses ( 115 voters )
20.49%Cannot be used with heat disinfection ( 58 voters )
Based On 283 Votes

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Vasilis Inglezis
  • 2
  • 2

Poll Results

17.74%Deuteranopia is less common than deuteranomaly ( 55 voters )
36.13%On chromosome X we can find the blue pigment gene ( 112 voters )
24.19%In case of glaucoma it's possible to meet the blue-yellow defect ( 75 voters )
24.19%Green cone is sensitive to larger wavelength than blue cone ( 75 voters )
Based On 310 Votes

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Vasilis Inglezis
  • 10
  • 10

Poll Results

8.38%Mucopurulent conjunctivitis ( 49 voters )
9.74%Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis ( 57 voters )
73.16%Active trachoma ( 428 voters )
8.72%Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis ( 51 voters )
Based On 585 Votes

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