Hi, I would like your opinion according to the pictures. Patient’s history:15 years old girl. She’s been in this condition ...Read more
Optometry case Latest Questions
Hello Doc. Hope you’re having a good day and an amazing summer. You are an Icon and you do inspire ...Read more
Poll Results
24.12%Corneal abrasion ( 48 voters )
39.7%Glaucoma ( 79 voters )
19.1%Congenital cataract ( 38 voters )
17.09%None of the above ( 34 voters )
Based On 199 Votes
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Question: Can you name that disease based on the image?
Poll Results
6.09%Sunglasses ( 24 voters )
5.58%Penetrating Keratoplasty ( 22 voters )
4.06%Radial keratotomy ( 16 voters )
84.26%Intraocular lens ( 332 voters )
Based On 394 Votes
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