Hi, I would like your opinion according to the pictures. Patient’s history:15 years old girl. She’s been in this condition ...Read more
Poll Results
8.25%Mucopurulent conjunctivitis ( 49 voters )
9.76%Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis ( 58 voters )
73.4%Active trachoma ( 436 voters )
8.59%Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis ( 51 voters )
Based On 594 Votes
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Poll Results
37.93%Accommodative esotropia secondary to hyperopia and high AC/A ratio ( 11 voters )
20.69%Accommodative esotropia secondary to high AC/A ratio ( 6 voters )
31.03%Accommodative esotropia secondary to hyperopia ( 9 voters )
10.34%Accommodative exotropia secondary to hyperopia and high AC/A ratio ( 3 voters )
Based On 29 Votes
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Your 5 year old patient presents with 10 prism diopters of esophoria at distance and 20 prism diopters of intermittent ...Read more
Hello Doc. Hope you’re having a good day and an amazing summer. You are an Icon and you do inspire ...Read more
Poll Results
18.64%Looking in proper direction ( 11 voters )
27.12%Maintaining vergence ( 16 voters )
16.95%Accommodating ( 10 voters )
37.29%Fusing ( 22 voters )
Based On 59 Votes
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The main difference between strabismus and Fixation Disparity is that the patient is not _____________ with a strabismus but are ...Read more